Archives: Business advice

  • Forum dismissal and redundancy guide

Forum Dismissal & Redundancy Guide

No one ever wants to make the decision to let staff go, but if you are considering making short and long-term layoffs and redundancies, it’s vital to make sure this is done in an efficient and legally compliant way.

  • Business Insurance for Licensed Trade

Flexible cover for the hospitality industry

Until you need to make a claim, how do you really know how good your business insurance is? Do you have the right protection in place to cover your risks as a licensed trade business?

  • Reform Regulation 7 Pubs Code

Reform Regulation 7 of the Pubs Code

A simple change to regulation 7 of The Pubs Code would save thousands of pubs. The Forum of British Pubs is calling on the Government to “Reform Regulation 7”.

  • Paul_Uppal_Hospitality_feature

Paul Uppal on the hospitality industry

Ian Cass, Managing director of the Forum of British Pubs, meets with Paul Uppal to discuss the key issues and potential solutions to building a better business model for the hospitality sector.

  • Confessions of a BDM

Confessions of a BDM – dilapidations

In this final section of our revelatory five-part series Matthew Blackwood, a former BDM for Punch Pubs, sheds some light on the complicated issue of dilapidations.

  • Confessions of a BDM

Confessions of a BDM – recruitment

In the first interview of our revelatory five-part series, Matthew Blackwood, a former Business Development Manager for Punch Pubs, talks to Dave Mountford about the recruitment process.

  • Making-Employees-Redundant

Making employees redundant

Making employees redundant is a difficult decision that no one wants to have to take and getting this process legally correct is absolutely essential.

  • Coivd-19 and the hospitality industry

Covid-19 and the hospitality industry

Our UK hospitality industry faces an unprecendented challenge to stay afloat in a struggling economy, battered by the pandemic. We identify three action points the government must take.

  • Small_Brewers_Big_Voice

The big voice for small brewers

Forum member, Pete Hills, co-founder of Hackney Brewery, comments on the Treasury's decision to change the Small Brewers Relief and how the Small Brewers Forum can help.

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