Your voice counts.

The Forum of British Pubs is actively campaigning for the fair treatment of pub tenants. Join our strong united voice and help us support pubs.

Become a supporter today for FREE.

Your voice counts.

The Forum of British Pubs is actively campaigning for the fair treatment of pub tenants. Join our strong united voice and help us support pubs.

Become a supporter today for FREE.

Your voice counts.

The Forum of British Pubs is actively campaigning for the fair treatment of pub tenants. Join our strong united voice and help us support pubs.

Become a supporter today for FREE.

Lend your voice to our campaign.

It’s free to support, sign up below.

Join our growing network of supporters. Help us protect our great British pubs.

Lend your voice to our campaign.

It’s free to support, sign up below.

Join our growing network of pub owners & supporters.
Help us protect our great British pubs.

It’s free to support our campaigns.

Join our growing network of pub owners & supporters. Help us protect our great British pubs.

Building a powerful voice in government

One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught all of us is how fragile the hospitality industry is and how fractured the representation of the industry has become.

Essential business support for your pub

You also have the opportunity to become a paid member if you like what we do and need our help and support in running your business. You can find out more about our work on our website, but to summarise we can save any small business time and money.

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We are taking
immediate action
to protect UK pubs.

We need your voice NOW.

Building a powerful voice in government

One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught all of us is how fragile the hospitality industry is and how fractured the representation of the industry has become.

Essential business support for your pub

You also have the opportunity to become a paid member if you like what we do and need our help and support in running your business. You can find out more about our work on our website, but to summarise we can save any small business time and money.

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We are taking
immediate action
to protect UK pubs.

We need your voice NOW.

Building a powerful voice in government

One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught all of us is how fragile the hospitality industry is and how fractured the representation of the industry has become.

Essential business support for pubs

You also have the opportunity to become a paid member if you like what we do and need our help and support in running your business.

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We are taking
immediate action
to protect UK pubs.

We need your voice.

Join the Forum for immediate business support.

Or lend your voice to our campaign for free.

Join the Forum for immediate business support.

Or lend your voice to our campaign for free.

Join the Forum for immediate business support.

Or lend your voice to our campaign for free.